Title picture from Les Toiles Du Soleil (“The Cloth of the Sun”)

261 W 19
th St. , New York, NY 10011
100% woven cotton made in France.

What started it all ......
Mom's California Hand Prints vintage dark green tablecloth with pine cones and snowflakes.
I found a similar tablecloth in 2013, 50" x 54.”
My 2013 re-creation of Mom's table.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Russel Wright Simtex - Modern Spice

 Russel Wright Simtex tablecloth, Modern Spice Pattern, 51" x 62", with tag.  Russel Wright Bartlett Collins Eclipse polka dot glassware, vintage Fiesta and Harlequin, Post86 Fiesta, Bakelite flatware.